Solar Power Plant Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
The way of thinking of the drawn out fruitful activity of Solar PV Plants begins with a powerful O&M methodology. A successful O&M is more than after routine obligations of module cleaning and sticking to the sun oriented support manual. It begins with having an all encompassing way to deal with the plant, supported by worldwide prescribed procedures and inside and out investigation.
In order to increase the plant’s viability & to reduce the risk, our services are structured around, “Flexible, Yet wholesome” concept. Our services offer unmatched freedom & flexibility to choose from the array of services offered
Armed with flexibility, Solar Asset Owners can experience prudent industry solar maintenance practices offered by JETSOR personnel. The diligent process is laid out to record the status of each & every component in the plant for current operation & future reference.
O&M and related services require a more holistic, value-oriented approach that is baked into the system design and procurement stages and continues forward through the life of the project. To get the maximum return on investment, the combination of a well-designed, well-built system and a prudent O&M plan offers the best chance for success.
The operational success of a solar power plant requires that all of the parties involved — system owner, building host, O&M team, and monitoring firm — agree to clearly defined roles. There are many reasonable ways to slice responsibilities, and that’s why all parties need to know their roles and expectations within the larger project maintenance strategy.
From Reactive to Proactive
Developing a proactive, site-specific O&M schedule is the first step to maximizing the long-term value of a new solar project. An ounce of prevention can save you a pound of maintenance costs. The key to doing this effectively is to determine exactly how much preventive service should be done to maximize long-term system value.
Half the battle is knowing what potential issues to look for and expect. Not every solar power system is created equally, and over the years we have seen some patterns emerge in the types of issues that impact system performance, especially among arrays built in the earlier part of the solar boom. An asset owner’s approach to these issues will help determine the long-term profitability of the investment. One of the more common issues we have seen emerge is ground faults: Poor wire management often results in the inverter receiving a ground fault that shuts it down. In order to fix the problem, we send an electrician out to the site to find the ground fault and then replace the fuse on the inverter to get the system back online.
In some situations, bad wire management can lead to ground fault after ground fault, running up long-term bills, and reducing a project’s profitability. This is true for many other O&M issues as well. If a project was not designed and built properly, the asset owners could spend years battling recurring O&M problems. Ultimately, the best way to avoid unnecessary O&M work is to ensure that the system is built right the first time.
The Value of Documentation
Our solar maintenance team will always provide reports upon completion of any maintenance service. This is vital. Effective O&M documentation that details the scope, schedule, and service history of a system can save the manager or owner time and money. Maintenance documentation can be an essential requirement when addressing warranty coverage, and many warranty holders will not provide service without it. Though documentation may require more involvement on the owner or manager’s side, it reduces risk and allows greater scrutiny and protection of your investment.
FAQ’s Related Solar Power Plant OEM (Operation & Maintenance)
What maintenance does a Solar PV system require?
The two primary aspects of maintaining a solar PV system are to regularly monitor your system’s performance through the data logger and to clean the panels about 6-10 times in a year. Beyond this, it is advisable to have your installer conduct at least two visits in a year just to check the general health of your system.
What would be the annual maintenance cost for a solar PV system?
The annual maintenance and recurring costs are almost negligible, since there are no moving parts and the input fuel (sunlight) is free. For optimum performance, the system only requires cleaning of modules and basic preventive and corrective maintenance. However, for off-grid systems where batteries are used, the maintenance costs are higher on account of battery replacement every 3-5 years. To ensure high generation and low maintenance cost, regular monitoring through data loggers is highly recommended. Typically, the maintenance costs for smaller Solar PV systems is about 2% of the initial system cost, and for larger systems is about 1% of the initial cost.